Don't Hold Back Your Acts of Kindness and Helpfulness

I recently took up the invitation to attend my son's Year Ten School Mass. The inspiring theme for the class mass that day was 'Acts of Kindness.'


Acts of Kindness blog by Martine Ford of Spirit Yoga

After the mass I went for morning tea to a coffee shop with my friend who encouraged me to attend the early morning mass. It happens that as we sat down she noticed a little girl's bag that had been left on the seat in the coffee shop. She gave the bag to staff and then we kept a look out for any little girls who may have left it. About ten minutes later we saw a group of ladies and a young girl, so my friend approached them to see if the bag belonged to the little girl.  Surprisingly the bag did belong to this lass and she was delighted to get it back.

“Great acts are made of small deeds”. ~ Anon.

We both giggled at our act of kindness, which reminded me that I still had a few Kindness Cards in my handbag that I still hadn't used. After completing an 'act of kindness' for a friend or stranger, you leave the card, which states, "Someone has reached out to you with an anonymous act of kindness. Now it's your chance to do the same... do something kind ... and leave this card behind to keep the ripple going."  by

My friend was so inspired by the theme that she posted on Facebook, "one kind gesture can make someone's day and can also have a snowball effect. Imagine how the world would be if we all practiced acts of kindness on a regular basis!"

I had not long glanced this post when I received an email from Wake Up Project the very group who make the Kindness Cards who's motto is, "One kind person, multiplied by 1000’s, creates a kindness revolution." Synchronicity and serendipity were at play! I forwarded the email which was advertising a 'Compassion Cultivation Trainingto my friend who exclaimed, this was exactly what she had been looking to do! 

I had actually just used the theme of helpfulness and kindness in the yoga classes that I had taught the week beforeThese serendipitous events happen to all of us, but we quite often fail to recognise their serendipitous nature; we think of these events as nothing special, and therefore we fail to take full advantage of them. Some events we may notice and others we may take advantage of without being aware of their miraculous nature.

Helpfulness is being of service to others, doing thoughtful things that make a difference in their lives. You are practicing acts of kindness and helpfulness when:

  • you notice someone who needs help
  • do a service without being asked
  • give people what they need, not always what they want
  • listen to someone who needs to talk
  • ask for help when you need it

“Today, see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those to whom you can give it easily, but also to those who need it so much.”  ~ Anon.

Helpfulness means trying to make life a little easier for other people. If we are paying attention, we notice when someone else is struggling – to open a door, to complete a task, or even go through the dying process with grace and dignity.  We move instinctively to ease the struggle, lending ourselves whether for a moment or for a lifetime to serve their purpose. [1]

If we look around us, we become aware how much of the substance and beauty people are able to create depends on helping hands. Like generosity, helping is a gift that gives to the giver. Sometimes we receive help in turn from those we assisted; even more often our helpfulness ripples through the world as other people spontaneously pay it forward. [2]

When we decide to be more kind and helpful to others, it not only affects those around us, but it improves our own emotional well-being. So don't hold back your acts of kindness and helpfulness, as my very generous, thoughtful and positive friend posted on Facebook, "one kind gesture can make someone's day and can also have a snowball effect. Imagine how the world would be if we all practiced acts of kindness on a regular basis!"

1 & 2. Wisdom Commons

Wake Up Project on Facebook. You may also like this Facebook group, Acts of Kindness that sends inspiring messages and has a following of almost 57, 000 people. 

Article by Martine Ford