The Fourth Chakra - Anahata

The fourth Chakra - Anahata by Martine Ford of Spirit Yoga


Element: Air

Colour: Green/Pink

Gemstones: Pink topaz, rhodonite (to calm) peridot to activate, rose quartz & rhodocrosite to balance.

Emotion: Unconditional love, compassion, passion and devotion.

Oils: Rose, melissa, neroli.

Body Sense: Touch

Mantra: “May I be free to feel my true feelings, desires, passions and be at home in my heart.”

Sanskrit seed symbol: make the sound ‘YAM” (pronounced yarm) while focusing on your chakra.

It is important to note that the three major chakras below the heart are principally concerned with the physical body and the world we perceive with our senses, whereas those above the heart are of a more spiritual level. [1]

The fourth chakra (or heart chakra) is called Anahata. It is located in the centre of the chest, and is also known by other names such as; padma-sundara, dwadasha and Hridaya Chakra, it means ‘unstruck’.

The heart chakra is concerned with forgiveness and compassion and unconditional love. The heart chakra is integral to a person’s ability to express love. Love as emotional love and a spiritual love. The highest form of spiritual love is unconditional love towards others. However, Anahata Chakra is not primarily about falling in love; it is not a sentimental kind of love it is about the love of creation.

When the heart chakra is under active, you may experience feelings of shyness, loneliness, anxiety, indecision, an inability to forgive, or lack of empathy. Physical symptoms are said to be shallow breathing, asthma and other lung diseases.

When the heart chakra is over active, you will feel ruled by your emotions & like they are over powering your life.

“Remember the emphasis on the heart. The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust. When you trust, suddenly you become centered.” ~ Osho. 

To balance the chakras you can practice specific yoga poses to encourage balance, use oils for the 4th Chakra (inhaled or anointed), lay specific gemstones directly on your chakra and/or  visualise a wheel of light in the chakra’s colour (green/pink), spinning in a counter clockwise direction to cleanse and in a clockwise direction to strengthen.

Other ways to balance the heart chakra is to practice pranayama (breath work), spend time with family or friends, give love and compassion unconditionally, surround yourself with plants, listen to music with nature sounds and practice yoga outdoors.

The most beneficial yoga poses are gentle and deep backbends such as:

·     Cat-Cow Poses (Marjaryasana/Bidalasana)

  • Camel Pose (Ustrasana) 
  • Eagle Pose (Garudasana)
  • Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
  • Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
  • Head to Knee Pose (Janu sirsasana)
  • Fish Pose (Matsendrasana)
  • Forward Bend (Uttasana) good for over active chakra  


Questions to ask your-self related to the heart chakra:

  • How do I show myself and others compassion?
  • What am I grateful for in this moment?
  • What emotional memories do I still need to heal?
  • Who do I need to forgive and what stops me from letting go of the pain associated with them?
  • What have I done that may need forgiving?



1. The Chakra Bible by Patricia Mercier.


Next month: The Throat or 5th Chakra/Vishuddha

Chakra Jewellery:

Article by Martine Ford