The Third Chakra - Manipura

3rd Chakra Manipura for Spirit Yoga blog by Martine Ford

Element: Fire

Colour: Yellow

Gemstones: Emerald and sapphire (to calm) Topaz, yellow tourmaline, citrine to balance.

Emotion: Expansiveness, growth, willpower.

Oils: clary sage, juniper and geranium.

Body Sense: Sight

Mantra: “I accept and value myself just as I am.”

Sanskrit seed symbol: make the sound ‘RAM” (pronounced rarm) while focusing on your chakra.

It is important to note that the three major chakras below the heart are principally concerned with the physical body and the world we perceive with our senses, whereas those above the heart are of a more spiritual level. [1]

The third chakra (or naval chakra) is called Manipura. It is located in the abdomen, above the navel and is also known by other names such as; solar plexus or naval chakra. Manipura can be translated as ‘lustrous gem’.

This chakra is connected to vitality, energy, power and expansiveness. Manipura is linked to the nervous system, digestion, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, stomach and adrenals.

The naval chakra is also connected to the ego, fear, stress, anxiety, introversion, opinion and growth. Manipura is situated over the navel a region that reacts to stress and this can be felt as a tight knot between the naval and sternum. This region is also said to be the place of the deep belly laugh, the seat of fire in the belly, the chakra of Life Force (prana) encouraging warmth and vitality for life.

Think of Manipura as the sun in your body. It draws in solar radiance as a type of prana and transduces it into a form that enables the flow of vital energies throughout the physical body to be regulated.[2]

When this chakra is under-active it can present as: digestive problems, eating disorders, feeling like a victim, or experiencing low self-esteem. 

An over-active chakra may display as: perfectionism, anger, hatred, and too much emphasis on power, status, and recognition. In addition, taking in more of anything than you can assimilate and use also indicates excessiveness.

"Up to a point a man's life is shaped by environment, heredity, and movements and changes in the world about him.  Then there comes a time when it lies within his grasp to shape the clay of his life into the sort of thing he wishes to be.  Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, lack of good fortune, or the quirks of fate.  Everyone has it within his power to say, This I am today; that I will be tomorrow."  ~Louis L'Amour. 

To balance the chakras you can practice specific yoga poses to encourage balance, use oils for the 3rd Chakra (inhaled or anointed), lay specific gemstones directly on your chakra and/or  visualise a wheel of light in the chakra’s colour (yellow), spinning in a counter clockwise direction to cleanse and in a clockwise direction to strengthen.

Other ways to balance the naval chakra is to detoxify, take classes, read informative books, do mind puzzles and listen to stimulating music (like chimes or horns).

The most beneficial yoga poses are those that massage the pancreas, and other internal organs such as:

·     Camel Pose (Ustrasana 

·     Half King Fish (Ardha Matsyendrasana) and other twists

.     Boat Pose (Navasana)

.     Cow Face Pose (Gomukasana)

.     Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

.     Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)

.     Warrior Poses (1 - 3) 

.     Leg Lifts (Urdhva Prasarita Padasana)

.     Breath of Fire (Bhastrika Pranayama)

Questions to ask your-self related to the naval chakra:

·  Do I need the approval of others? If so, why?

·  Do I consider myself strong or weak?

·  Have I been in a relationship with someone I didn’t really love, but it seemed better than being alone?

· Can I decide to make changes in my life and then have the discipline to stick to it?

· Am I following a diet that is energising me & encouraging digestive health?


1 & 2. The Chakra Bible by Patricia Mercier.


Next month: The Heart or fourth Chakra/Anahata

Chakras 1 – 2:  Find out about any chakra’s you have missed at Spirit Yoga news/blog here.

Chakra Jewellery:


Article by Martine Ford